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To get notifications on telegram


EasyStartupBot ->


The chatId might also be negative, do not forget to copy the negative sign if it is negative. Eg. -1001612028781

For Adding to Channel

  1. Add EasyStartupBot to your contact list
  2. Add EasyStartupBot to your channel and give it admin permission
  3. Then type easystartup in your chat and you will be given a chatId
  4. Copy the chatId and paste it in your EasyStartup Project Settings

For Personal Chat

  1. Add EasyStartupBot to your contact list
  2. Send a message to EasyStartupBot
  3. Then type easystartup in your chat and you will be given a chatId
  4. Copy the chatId and paste it in your EasyStartup Project Settings

For Group Chat

  1. Add EasyStartupBot to your contact list
  2. Add EasyStartupBot to your group
  3. Then type /easystartup@EasyStartupBot in your chat and you will be given a chatId
  4. Copy the chatId and paste it in your EasyStartup Project Settings