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Member Roles

For obvious reasons you do not want to give full permissions to everybody. To limit access we have roles.

Currently there are three kinds of roles


Admin will have full access to

  1. Create or delete projects
  2. Add members and change roles of members
  3. Access the billing page and make payments
  4. Give access to members to edit/update projects
  5. Only admins can add and remove other admins


User can only

  1. Edit anything for the projects he is provided access to
  2. Enable, disable, edit, create monitors
  3. Enable, disable, edit, create status pages specific to his project
  4. Enable, disable, edit, create status pages specific to his project

User cannot

  1. Cannot create a new project or delete an exisiting project
  2. Cannot add/invite members
  3. Cannot change roles of members
  4. Does not have access to billing section or cannot make payments


Observer can only view items without having the ability to make any modification

Observer can only

  1. View projects they have access to
  2. View Monitors settings
  3. View status page settings

Observer cannot

  1. Cannot Create, Edit, Delete any project settings
  2. Cannot Edit monitors
  3. Cannot Edit Status Pages
  4. Cannot Edit Incidents
  5. Does not have access to billing section
  6. Cannot modify roles
  7. Cannot add members